Life, Mom Style, Thoughts

Self Care

SELF CARE!!!!! I haven’t bought bras for myself in YEARS. I have finally been at the point where my sagging, stretched out bras were causing me back pain because they just weren’t holding the girls up anymore. So guess what? I took my three year old and I went and got new bras so I could take care of ME. Self care isn’t always about getting away or having a glass of wine. Self care can be just as simple as taking the time to make sure you have the right size bras to ease aches and pains. Make sure your self essentials are taken care of so you can take care of others.





My favorite way to relax hands down is by getting my toes and nails done. I stick my head phones in and don’t talk to A N Y O N E. I have been going to the same salon for about four years, so they totally know I’m the client who only wants to be bothered when its absolutely necessary. I’m also a creature of habit so I get the same thing done when I go thus I am fully aware of the drill like when its time to wash my hands. When my nails are being attended, I read magazines and toe time is for sleeping or more magazines. Its seriously a nice hour and a half of Utopia. But on the drive home the guilt sets in. I don’t want to get caught…. by….. my sitter.

First of all my sitter is an ANGEL. This woman was literally sent from God to our family. She is the sweetest and my littles love her. Which makes me feel totally ashamed when I show up with the classic pedicure flip flops on. **To my other best friend who watched our middle child for close to a year, you are an angel and the sweetest too and a godsend as well. I know you’re reading this**. I’ve actually been blessed with pretty great sitters throughout this little kid time in my life and I felt this guilt with all of them (except the one who was terrible) because in my head I feel like they’re thinking “I wish I didn’t have to watch your snotty nosed kids and could get a mani/pedi. But no I had to stay here and sit for your kids who literally think they’re in a rock band.” Just a heads up, my kids noses are wiped often and very rarely snotty. The rock band part is true though.

I get my mani/pedi’s (when money allows) biweekly either while I’m on lunch (I have no problem showing back up at work with fresh nails) or if I have the time, leave a little early and get to the salon before I head home. My job is what we in our small town call “in town”. The drive is about 25 minutes, if there’s no traffic, with nothing but wild horses in between. Its a totally planned out thing, I try to make sure I have flip flops in my car to change into and on the car ride home, I put the car AC blower on my feet for faster drying. I never have time to sit and wait for my toes to dry at the salon because I am always on the go. I try not to show up with the flimsy salon sandals because I want my sitter to know that she is totally cherished and I am not taking advantage of her. Its just super convenient to take care of myself while the kids are already taken care of.

I feel like that is the working-outside-of-the-home mom’s dilemma though. Being plagued by the pull of making sure that our kids aren’t spending too much time with someone else but also needing to fit in taking care of ourselves. Most of us are doing the right thing by taking that extra hour for ourselves or choosing to pick the kids up early. Doing what’s right for our well being is the biggest goal that sometimes feels the least attainable. So at the end of this post I have no inspirational thought or a we can do it mantra… All I have is this 1. to encourage each of you to make sure you do what works for you whether there is guilt involved or not and 2. that I’m going to get my sitter a gift certificate for a mani/ pedi for Christmas.

Mom Style



We are so excited to announce the arrival of our Code Name: Mama tee shirt line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first available one and we L O V E it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our cotton camo with gold lettering is a fun way to be cute and mommy minded at the same time.

We have so many more coming that we think you’ll totally enjoy as well.

PRE ORDER NOW by sending a message!! 

Mom Style

Pretty Woman


I’m sure most of you have all seen this meme floating around social media by now. I had to grab this off of the good ol internet and talk about it. This meme is pretty self explanatory, you add up all the points next to each description to see how high maintenance you are.  When this was sent to me it was posed more as a meter for before you had children and after. My before score was 65. Somewhere between the “Really High Maintenance” and “You’re freaking Queen of Your Castle”. I’ll call it “Very Well Maintained”. However, my after children score is 12. That’s right……………… 1 2……. a full 53 point drop. Wait can I add only 5 points from the massages question? I mean I got 2 massages this year! Ehhh probably not, i’ll just stick with my 12.

So most of time we think that as moms we loose this sense of self because we are devoting our entire being to this amazing little cherubs so we have zero time to take care of ourselves. I mean how could we, we’ve got their sports schedules, the PTA, conference calls, budget meetings, play dates, bake sales, birthday parties and soooo much more. That may be the case for some but for me me it really boils down to one thing. M O N E Y. I would absolutely have a 100 point score if I could (actually only 86 because I don’t spray tan and I think permanent make up is weird) but my children don’t suck the life out of me, they suck the money. My daughter’s shoes that were bought in June are already too small, picture day just happened, I’ve got to get 3 Halloween costumes and I have to pay for my car registration. So a trip to Sephora is not in my future. And that’s how I feel like it goes more often than not. I just wanted those of us who desired to be higher on this list to be represented appropriately. I totally care about my presentation, but its an expensive one that I can’t afford right now. Old Navy is my life line at this point.




I have succumbed to the latest trend. What trend you ask? Do It Yourself or DIY as it is so affectionately referred to. I have gone full force, no holds bar and I already have a major love hate relationship with my new found hobby. I have watched HGTV for years…. no seriously like forever. But I was always a person who would rather buy a replica of what I had just seen strenuously put together over a one hour time frame. The mister has been encouraging me since our oldest was born to get a hobby. Did you know your kids can’t be your hobby? Yeah I didn’t until kid #2 showed up (more on that in another post). After a lot of earnest attempts at failed interests, I decided to try my hand at the DIY world. I mean I am an INTENSE pinner (seriously, I’m going to the Pinterest Convention) and I wanted to stretch beyond only getting recipes, beauty hacks, and fun kids tips out of the website. So this past weekend, I wisely (<- that was sarcasm) took my three children to Ikea, Hobby Lobby and Home Depot on a hot Saturday morning to start my new past time.

Like I said earlier, I there’s some love and hate here. Not fully hate, lets say love and annoyance. So I’ll start with the love portion: 1. There is something really fulfilling about creating with your own hands. Seeing a slab of wood transform into a useful household object is neat. I like that I can say I needed something, so I made it happen. 2. I get to be alone!!! The mister put a rectangle fold out table in my home office, so I can have my own creative space. Well and so he doesn’t have to see my art coming into fruition because I’m a little too messy for his neat freak heart. But coming in here an being able to paint and glue my heart out while listening to John Mayer (ultimate favorite artist) is just the little bit of heaven that I needed. Its like a spa for my mind and heart. I emerge after 30 or so minutes of not being bothered a little more at ease. 3. This kind of ties back to the first point, but I like that I can be specific. If I want my creation to come in blowing kisses pink paint instead of candy pink then that’s my choice. I don’t have to settle for what Target or Amazon offers (yes I am that particular about color shades) or if I want my lettering to say a specific phrase then voila, I just made it happen. 4. There is nothing out there that is quite like my project. Much like my sweet babies, I get to have something unique and specific to my house that I worked on, which yields amazing appreciation and pride. 5. My home is going to to très chic each time I add a new piece.

Now for the annoyances: 1. ITS SO EXPENSIVE!!! Ok I know that as I continue to keep my projects going, some items I won’t have to continue to buy. I mean I’m pretty sure that I will be using Mod Podge with like each craft. But getting into this business is no joke. I spent wayyy more than I anticipated. One down fall that was totally on me was that I bought all maple wood. Way too pricey for laundry room additives. But seriously, I probably could have bought already manufactured pieces three times over. Screws, hooks, spray paint etc. man all that ish adds up quick. Yes yes yes I know I could have priced it out before I went but hindsight is always 20/20. 2. When you have a family these projects take forever. My sister was like “um was there a hidden step? Why are you still working on this?” Nope. I just have three kids, three dogs, and a husband with his own business so I don’t get a full weekend to just try to reenact Joanna Gaines’ life.  Thus trying to get in a little work here and there turns a one day project into a one week project in a blink of an eye. 3. I think this annoyance will probably go away as I get my crafting legs under me, but messing up the small things can be very frustrating. For example, when you paint a 2×4 piece of wood on a beach towel and the paint runs on the sides of it, the paint will stick to the towel and the wood creating a velcro like effect. Its not pretty or fun to try and fix your mistake once you’ve realized it after everything is fully dry.

I’m think this new hobby is going to be good for me. I can’t rush, because I am making it and I’m very particular on aesthetics, so I have to take my time and do a good job. And I need to slow down in life most of the time, I’m sure this will help. While I don’t think I’ll ever get to the level of the lady who built her whole house from YouTube videos, I think I can successfully master being the nice neighbor that garners interest because she has some really cool handmade pieces in her house.

Mom Style



In 1966 Birkenstocks were introduced to the United States and the comfortable shoe market has never been the same.

But seriously… who has a pair of these sandals?!?! They are amazing right??

I am aware that Birks are very popular right now. So I am glad my podiatrist suggested that I start wearing them to help my semi flat feet and back pain. These sandals are based on a design that started in 1774 using firm, orthopedically correct support. On, the shoe is listed as the number two best sandal for your feet according to podiatrists. The Washington Post also featured an article on why finding the right comfort shoe is so important, and listed Birkenstocks as a great shoe try without having to get custom orthopedics. Basically I’m just trying to tell you not to take my word on their greatness; but know that there is actual science behind them.

There are a couple of down sides to Birks. But not enough to keep me from recommending them. The first down side is that they can be quite uncomfortable when you first start wearing them. Odd, I know… But what this shoe does is actually mold to your foot. Thus, they have to be “broken in” if you will. Once they start for form to your feet you will be able to see a marked difference. I wore my first pair for about five days straight and I could feel them getting better every time I put them on.

Second is the price point. Birkenstocks can be pretty pricey, especially when you have back to school supplies and diapers to buy. Most of the traditional sandals start at around $100. That can definitely be quite an undertaking on the family budget so I would not suggest  getting a couple of pairs up front. Buy a pair and see how they work for you. For me they are an investment that I was inclined to make as I am on my feet all day at work, and then running around with kids and pets when I get home. Plus, I have some health issues that make the proper daily support vital.

Another huge selling point for me is the versatility of the sandal. I can switch from wearing jeans, a skirt, or a dress with Birks and they make the outfit cute and unique every time. You can’t always do that with sneakers or heels. This is also a reason I didn’t mind investing in the shoe because you can get a lot of wear out of them. So if you want a hip mom shoe… choose these.




Packing Around


One thing I have always wanted is an assistant. Someone who can help with the errands, send emails, buy birthday gifts etc. Unfortunately my current salary does not afford me such a luxury so I have to settle for the next best thing; a great diaper bag. When my oldest was born I did not get the diaper bag I put on my registry, but I did receive one from my mother in law so I felt obligated to use it. Because that was the era of having a gargantuan sized purse, I eventually just started putting what I needed in my purse whenever I was out with the baby. And yes I am aware I could have just bought the diaper bag I wanted but I didn’t for two reasons 1. Money was much tighter back then 2. I always feel compelled to use gifts given to me and I feel really bad when I don’t.

When our second was born, I excitedly bought the diaper that I wanted. I saw it online and it just called to me. I ordered it from a very popular diaper bag brand and when it arrived I was so disappointed that I cried (I blame the pregnancy hormones) and started to see if I could get any functionality out of it. The bag had zero structure and was really big, it just sort of flopped everywhere. Plus it had this horrible material that was really slippery so it was difficult to maneuver …. Trust me it was a whole ordeal. The mister implored me to get another diaper bag, not online, that I could actually test and see if I it worked for me before purchase. I think mainly he was just tired of hearing me complain, but I will always take any excuse to shop. So one Saturday, I set out on a mission to find the diaper bag of the ages!! And I did just that. Vera Bradley delivered just what I needed. Her diaper bag backpack is my non paid assistant. 

First, the vinylish inside will not absorb any liquid and you can wipe off any spills or marks. In addition, it has the perfect number of mesh pockets. The very front has a detachable changing pad that can fold out. There are two quick access pockets on the outside of the bag as well. It’s 100% approved for the washing machine and dryer. But most importantly, it’s lightweight. Vera’s signature quilted pattern keeps the bag light as a feather when empty. I find this so important because you’re not carrying unnecessary weight. When our third baby came along, the convenience of how roomie this bag was came in handy because we had to pack for two babies. Plus, the backpack style keeps you hands free so you can quickly grab your kid who is trying to climb into the wishing fountain in the mall. The cute colors and patterns go beyond the standard diaper bag so you can match your personality a little bit more than Winnie the Pooh. You won’t be sorry for investing in this backpack diaper bag and will get a lot of use out it. And of course be super stylish in the process. 
