Baby, Life, Mom Style, Monthly Mama Spotlight, Thoughts

Monthly Mama Spotlight: Anna

Hi all I’m Anna!!! I’ve been married for five years and I am a Momma to a beautiful, energetic, lovely two year old boy named Holden Michael. As we ALL know, Motherhood is no walk in the park. No matter how much you read, practice or dream – it can never fully prepare you for a babe, especially a first babe.

I had an awesome pregnancy and an awesome labor and delivery. Exactly six hours from water breaking to holding him on my chest. All natural!! Postpartum Anxiety hit me from the jump and I had NO IDEA. I was fully prepared for PPD – watching my thoughts and feelings, but I was happy. I just couldn’t settle. I was so tired, but I couldn’t relax enough to sleep. Then anxiety eventually turned into depression. My body had changed so much. I was unmotivated to workout, eat right or even get out of my house. I have a summer babe, so it was too hot to take him outside. Then he was still too little to be out in the cold, in the winter. So I just stayed inside eating and THEN I didn’t even want to go out because I didn’t want anyone to see me! I withdrew from everyone and essentially became a recluse. A crazy, vicious cycle! (Carmen can attest – she practically hunted me down/also fun fact I’ve known Lauren and Carmen for more than 20 years!)

My husband is the bread winner and he was doing his job beautifully and I felt like as a SAHM…the baby/house is MY job. And you never want to complain to your spouse about the best job in the world…so I didn’t talk. I tried to keep everything perfect (outside of myself) until I started to crack. And that’s what kept me in my cloud for so long. I used to want 6 kids and to be a Wife and a Mother. I’d dreamed of that since I was a little girl. But when I became a Mom, and being raised by a Mom who was fulfilled being a SAHM…I had a very tough realization that I LOVE my Baby, fiercely. But I do not always love being a SAHM….and that is O-K-A-Y! And once I realized that, accepted it and talked about it out loud…that’s when my depression broke. And that was January of this year (my son was born July 2017!) That’s a long time, Girls! Too long!

So my encouragement to you is – if you are feeling these things – anything – TALK! Just talk! Open your mouth and talk to someone. Your spouse, find a Mom’s group in your area to join (this is what really helped me- Moms Time at my Church) or connect with someone in this community. We carry A LOT as Mommas and it is okay to want other things and it is okay to BE FULLY satisfied being home with your Babes and killing the SAHM Life! And it is okay not be perfect. None of us are – Welcome to the Club!!👏 Your crazy is welcome here and so are you!! Bc I know mine is 😁

Now, I have my own Communication Coaching business and I LOVE it! I get to stay home with my Baby, but also take Mommy-Mind Breaks and focus on something I really love encouraging others and it fills my cup back up! And by doing that – I enjoy my baby and motherhood SO much more! We are all different, but we are all in this together! You’re amazing, Momma!!!


Mommy Mode

Hi everyone!

I am so happy to announce my first guest blog piece for Donna Be of Mommy Mode. Meeting people via the internet incredibly fascinating and opens the world up for endless possibilities. This mama’s heart for her family and other mothers is so beautifully sweet, and you all should be following her as well.

So without further adieu, please click on the link below to read this week’s blog post featured on Mommy Mode entitled Fourth Times the Charm written by yours truly.



#zumba #honesty

Image result for zumba

I tried Zumba Toning the other night. Here’s a quick list of things I learned about myself while in this class:

  1. Just because I grew up dancing does not mean I’d be good at Zumba

– I did about 16 years of dance growing up and just knew that this would totally up my alley. I went with a friend and I was ready to show her the dancing ropes. Ummm yeah no. The rhythms and steps are not the same as ballet or halftime dance routines for high school football games. I immediately had two left feet and not beat in my head.

  1. I have zero rhythm now (I blame the children)

– There are only so many times you can choreograph a full Broadway review to I’m A Little Teapot or The Wheels on The Bus without losing some of your juice.

  1. My hip hop dancing dreams are over

– When I am in the car, I am basically at Studio 54 or Jennifer Lopez circa In Living Color. I dance my little heart out. I am convinced this is how I would go viral in life. And I have this dream that I could somehow become a 30 something back up dancer. I’d light up the stage and give Beyoncé a run for her money. But then I went to Zumba and I will never have that dream again.

  1. I danced MUCH harder when I remembered I had a Sprinkles cupcake waiting for me at home

– Where I live the closest Sprinkles cup cake shop is about 45 minutes away. This is an abomination to my sister who can pop over to one within minutes. The mister happens to do a lot of work near the 45 minutes away Sprinkles, so sometimes when he remembers, he will bring me one of those glorious little cakes. So, I had a cinnamon with no icing cupcake sitting in the spice cabinet waiting for me. FYI, it was hidden in the spice cabinet so the children couldn’t find it.  And about 30 minutes into the session, I had this realization! And I gave it alllllll I had…….. just to earn that reward when I got home.

  1. I don’t think I am as good at sex as I thought I was.

– I am so serious! Sex is about hips right; my hips do not move like that instructor!! I couldn’t even make them move like hers if I wanted to!! I mean I have three children so I’m sure I am doing something right, but good grief. Maybe the mister has been lying to me. The instructor could get low and whip it all around. I was so stiff. She kept telling us to shake and pop it and I almost had to raise my hand and ask her how to achieve that. Maybe I’ll ask next class.

But all in all, I really enjoyed Zumba. I can see how women flock to this way of working out. Mainly its fun. Actually, A LOT of fun. You all look ridiculous, you’re laughing and its oddly super empowering. No one is trying to lift more than another or run faster, you are all on the same playing field and it was really refreshing. So, try Zumba if you haven’t already (I realize I am like a decade late on the trend) and potentially see dreams die, realizations made and major fun had!!



