Mom Style



We are so excited to announce the arrival of our Code Name: Mama tee shirt line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first available one and we L O V E it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our cotton camo with gold lettering is a fun way to be cute and mommy minded at the same time.

We have so many more coming that we think you’ll totally enjoy as well.

PRE ORDER NOW by sending a message!! 

Mom Style

Pretty Woman


I’m sure most of you have all seen this meme floating around social media by now. I had to grab this off of the good ol internet and talk about it. This meme is pretty self explanatory, you add up all the points next to each description to see how high maintenance you are.  When this was sent to me it was posed more as a meter for before you had children and after. My before score was 65. Somewhere between the “Really High Maintenance” and “You’re freaking Queen of Your Castle”. I’ll call it “Very Well Maintained”. However, my after children score is 12. That’s right……………… 1 2……. a full 53 point drop. Wait can I add only 5 points from the massages question? I mean I got 2 massages this year! Ehhh probably not, i’ll just stick with my 12.

So most of time we think that as moms we loose this sense of self because we are devoting our entire being to this amazing little cherubs so we have zero time to take care of ourselves. I mean how could we, we’ve got their sports schedules, the PTA, conference calls, budget meetings, play dates, bake sales, birthday parties and soooo much more. That may be the case for some but for me me it really boils down to one thing. M O N E Y. I would absolutely have a 100 point score if I could (actually only 86 because I don’t spray tan and I think permanent make up is weird) but my children don’t suck the life out of me, they suck the money. My daughter’s shoes that were bought in June are already too small, picture day just happened, I’ve got to get 3 Halloween costumes and I have to pay for my car registration. So a trip to Sephora is not in my future. And that’s how I feel like it goes more often than not. I just wanted those of us who desired to be higher on this list to be represented appropriately. I totally care about my presentation, but its an expensive one that I can’t afford right now. Old Navy is my life line at this point.


It Takes a Village

Yesterday I had to do some adulting. I went to the dermatologist. I am so glad I went but also a smidge sad about it at the same time. Turning 31 has been rough for me physically and mentally. My actual birthday was great. Worked, had flowers delivered, went to meet the teacher night, then went off to dinner and drinks with a friend before we hit the John Mayer concert. And returned to my birthday gift of a kitchen aide mixer from the mister. Seriously not too shabby of a day. The issues I’ve had about turning 31 is my body. I’m about 40 lbs from my goal weight and my face is breaking out like C R A Z Y!!!! I have full on adult acne and I am completely perplexed. I never really had acne when I was a teenager or in college. The occasional white or black head but that’s about it. I had so little skin problems that I rarely wore any kind of foundation. But here I am in my thirties with acne. Hardcore, painful deep acne. I thought since I was getting older I was in the clear! WTF is going on?!

Admittedly, some of this frustration is rooted in vanity. I just feel like I am finally finished having kids, now I want a part of me back and I don’t want to be turning into a troll. Yes I could work out more, my excuse like many, is that I have zero time. Plus I have Lupus which exacerbates my fatigue, so sometimes going to the gym isn’t always appealing. I know that I need to do figure out a plan, because there are only so many whining posts I can write. The skin part is a really tough pill to swallow though. I definitely encourage every one to go to the dermatologist at some point or another. Don’t try to do it by yourself because you could be doing more harm than good. I was surprised by the regime that my doctor put me on for two reasons. The first is that my new face wash and moisturizer is just Cetaphil for acne prone skin. I am that person who can fall into the trap of the pricey-er the item the better it must be. I was getting ready but a $150 skin regime system from Nordstroms just because they were talking about how natural it was and gave me a sample. But thankfully I brought it with me to my appointment and the dermatologist basically said it was a crap product. It had way too much fragrance, acid, and was irritating my face. I’m super excited to be saving money now. Definitely a positive.

The second surprising finding was how long it would take. She said I would start seeing serious improvement in about about 3-4 months. UM WHAT?!?! I have to show my face tomorrow in public lady!!! Christmas card pictures are supposed to be taken in that time frame. I can’t slap my kids on the cards like I did last year to get out of showing my eight month postpartum body. As you can probably tell from reading thus far, I was looking for a quick fix. A fix that I can’t have. After calling the mister (who’s comfort technique needs a little work) I called my best  friend, sister and mother to get the female comfort I was clearly fishing for. They pulled me from my depths of despair so that I could think logically about the fact that this wasn’t that serious in the grand scheme of things. I took time for my body to get all hormonal and its going to take time for it to right it self out again.

Personally, I don’t like the phrase “My husband and my kids think I look good so that’s all that matters.” Its not all that matters ladies, what you think about yourself matters to. Not in a comparative sense but making sure you feel comfortable in your own skin. You’re the one who has to live with your powerful thoughts, so make sure they’re good ones about yourself. I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin so I made an appointment with the dermatologist. I am a firm believer in using a village to help you through life and be your best self. Maybe your village includes a chiropractor, therapist and your wax lady. Which is awesome. Take the time to grow your village for yourself to squeeze everything you can from life.

Mom Style



In 1966 Birkenstocks were introduced to the United States and the comfortable shoe market has never been the same.

But seriously… who has a pair of these sandals?!?! They are amazing right??

I am aware that Birks are very popular right now. So I am glad my podiatrist suggested that I start wearing them to help my semi flat feet and back pain. These sandals are based on a design that started in 1774 using firm, orthopedically correct support. On, the shoe is listed as the number two best sandal for your feet according to podiatrists. The Washington Post also featured an article on why finding the right comfort shoe is so important, and listed Birkenstocks as a great shoe try without having to get custom orthopedics. Basically I’m just trying to tell you not to take my word on their greatness; but know that there is actual science behind them.

There are a couple of down sides to Birks. But not enough to keep me from recommending them. The first down side is that they can be quite uncomfortable when you first start wearing them. Odd, I know… But what this shoe does is actually mold to your foot. Thus, they have to be “broken in” if you will. Once they start for form to your feet you will be able to see a marked difference. I wore my first pair for about five days straight and I could feel them getting better every time I put them on.

Second is the price point. Birkenstocks can be pretty pricey, especially when you have back to school supplies and diapers to buy. Most of the traditional sandals start at around $100. That can definitely be quite an undertaking on the family budget so I would not suggest  getting a couple of pairs up front. Buy a pair and see how they work for you. For me they are an investment that I was inclined to make as I am on my feet all day at work, and then running around with kids and pets when I get home. Plus, I have some health issues that make the proper daily support vital.

Another huge selling point for me is the versatility of the sandal. I can switch from wearing jeans, a skirt, or a dress with Birks and they make the outfit cute and unique every time. You can’t always do that with sneakers or heels. This is also a reason I didn’t mind investing in the shoe because you can get a lot of wear out of them. So if you want a hip mom shoe… choose these.




Packing Around


One thing I have always wanted is an assistant. Someone who can help with the errands, send emails, buy birthday gifts etc. Unfortunately my current salary does not afford me such a luxury so I have to settle for the next best thing; a great diaper bag. When my oldest was born I did not get the diaper bag I put on my registry, but I did receive one from my mother in law so I felt obligated to use it. Because that was the era of having a gargantuan sized purse, I eventually just started putting what I needed in my purse whenever I was out with the baby. And yes I am aware I could have just bought the diaper bag I wanted but I didn’t for two reasons 1. Money was much tighter back then 2. I always feel compelled to use gifts given to me and I feel really bad when I don’t.

When our second was born, I excitedly bought the diaper that I wanted. I saw it online and it just called to me. I ordered it from a very popular diaper bag brand and when it arrived I was so disappointed that I cried (I blame the pregnancy hormones) and started to see if I could get any functionality out of it. The bag had zero structure and was really big, it just sort of flopped everywhere. Plus it had this horrible material that was really slippery so it was difficult to maneuver …. Trust me it was a whole ordeal. The mister implored me to get another diaper bag, not online, that I could actually test and see if I it worked for me before purchase. I think mainly he was just tired of hearing me complain, but I will always take any excuse to shop. So one Saturday, I set out on a mission to find the diaper bag of the ages!! And I did just that. Vera Bradley delivered just what I needed. Her diaper bag backpack is my non paid assistant. 

First, the vinylish inside will not absorb any liquid and you can wipe off any spills or marks. In addition, it has the perfect number of mesh pockets. The very front has a detachable changing pad that can fold out. There are two quick access pockets on the outside of the bag as well. It’s 100% approved for the washing machine and dryer. But most importantly, it’s lightweight. Vera’s signature quilted pattern keeps the bag light as a feather when empty. I find this so important because you’re not carrying unnecessary weight. When our third baby came along, the convenience of how roomie this bag was came in handy because we had to pack for two babies. Plus, the backpack style keeps you hands free so you can quickly grab your kid who is trying to climb into the wishing fountain in the mall. The cute colors and patterns go beyond the standard diaper bag so you can match your personality a little bit more than Winnie the Pooh. You won’t be sorry for investing in this backpack diaper bag and will get a lot of use out it. And of course be super stylish in the process. 

Make Up

Goody Box


I started subscribing to Birchbox after my second child was born. I needed something more than the baby and the house to pour my time into that was just for me. One of my best friends suggested I look into the beauty subscription box. I’ve subscribed for about two years now and it is still such a nice treat that I don’t have to share with anyone in my house! I get to be a little selfish for about 30 minutes when my small package arrives each month. The hubster entertains the kiddos while I go and pour over what goodies I’ve just received. Now another good friend of mine and I get excited to talk about what we’ve received and swap out products that we think the other might like better.

It’s a pretty simple set up process. You complete a beauty profile and subscribe. Each month you receive a cute little box with five random samples based off of your profile. Sometimes they’ll include a full size product for free. You can keep all the samples a surprise or you can pick one from a couple of products that you specifically want to try and the other four will be curated. In addition, with every dollar you spend you earn points off of your next purchase.  If you are looking for a little fun and cheap me time (Birchbox is $10 monthly) I would definitely recommend give this a whirl. You can also click here to subscribe and get 50% off your first box.


Cute Finds 


I love cute things!!!! For me and my sweet babes, I’m all about finding super cutesy items. But there also needs a functional element as well. These adorable insulated sipper tumblers from Tommee Tippee are my absolute favorite of all the sippy cups I’ve tried through the past seven years.

First, let’s chat about the cute part. The patterns and little expressions are a fun mixture of charming and hipster. There are a total of five colors and phrases…. And I use phrase loosely because they’re all just texting lingo. Also if you visit their website, they offer some limited edition ones. Some have mustaches or are a British theme, which you know is super important to the 12 – 24 month crowd.

Second, the functionality. One element that excites me about this cup is that there are a very limited amount of parts. I don’t have to buy extra equipment just to clean the inside. There’s the tumbler, lid, and two pieces that snap together inside of the lid to keep the cup spill proof. These pieces are easy to clean (really just rinse) and don’t build up mold as easily as other sippy cups I’ve tried. They’re also SUUUUPPPPEEERRR insulated, hence the name, perfect for the hot summers. My daughter, who is the owner of this fancy cup, loves her drinks ice cold. Full on will not drink anything if ice is not clinking around in there. So the amount of insulation provided is great and her chubby little fingers don’t get condensation all of over them.

Ummmmm ok so what other things are important to mention????? Think, think… Oh they’re great for their gums and won’t cause an damage. The lid supports transitioning to a real cup. Oh and last but not least these things are freaking durable. Practically indestructible, which is important because my daughter loves to pitch her cup to make a point.

These statement cups retail for about $8.99 for a two pack. Also, I have tested an adult theory out… And I can tell you they will not melt with hot coffee in them #sorrynotsorry
