Baby, Life, Mom Style, Monthly Mama Spotlight, Thoughts

Monthly Mama Spotlight: Anna

Hi all I’m Anna!!! I’ve been married for five years and I am a Momma to a beautiful, energetic, lovely two year old boy named Holden Michael. As we ALL know, Motherhood is no walk in the park. No matter how much you read, practice or dream – it can never fully prepare you for a babe, especially a first babe.

I had an awesome pregnancy and an awesome labor and delivery. Exactly six hours from water breaking to holding him on my chest. All natural!! Postpartum Anxiety hit me from the jump and I had NO IDEA. I was fully prepared for PPD – watching my thoughts and feelings, but I was happy. I just couldn’t settle. I was so tired, but I couldn’t relax enough to sleep. Then anxiety eventually turned into depression. My body had changed so much. I was unmotivated to workout, eat right or even get out of my house. I have a summer babe, so it was too hot to take him outside. Then he was still too little to be out in the cold, in the winter. So I just stayed inside eating and THEN I didn’t even want to go out because I didn’t want anyone to see me! I withdrew from everyone and essentially became a recluse. A crazy, vicious cycle! (Carmen can attest – she practically hunted me down/also fun fact I’ve known Lauren and Carmen for more than 20 years!)

My husband is the bread winner and he was doing his job beautifully and I felt like as a SAHM…the baby/house is MY job. And you never want to complain to your spouse about the best job in the world…so I didn’t talk. I tried to keep everything perfect (outside of myself) until I started to crack. And that’s what kept me in my cloud for so long. I used to want 6 kids and to be a Wife and a Mother. I’d dreamed of that since I was a little girl. But when I became a Mom, and being raised by a Mom who was fulfilled being a SAHM…I had a very tough realization that I LOVE my Baby, fiercely. But I do not always love being a SAHM….and that is O-K-A-Y! And once I realized that, accepted it and talked about it out loud…that’s when my depression broke. And that was January of this year (my son was born July 2017!) That’s a long time, Girls! Too long!

So my encouragement to you is – if you are feeling these things – anything – TALK! Just talk! Open your mouth and talk to someone. Your spouse, find a Mom’s group in your area to join (this is what really helped me- Moms Time at my Church) or connect with someone in this community. We carry A LOT as Mommas and it is okay to want other things and it is okay to BE FULLY satisfied being home with your Babes and killing the SAHM Life! And it is okay not be perfect. None of us are – Welcome to the Club!!👏 Your crazy is welcome here and so are you!! Bc I know mine is 😁

Now, I have my own Communication Coaching business and I LOVE it! I get to stay home with my Baby, but also take Mommy-Mind Breaks and focus on something I really love encouraging others and it fills my cup back up! And by doing that – I enjoy my baby and motherhood SO much more! We are all different, but we are all in this together! You’re amazing, Momma!!!


Mommy Mode

Hi everyone!

I am so happy to announce my first guest blog piece for Donna Be of Mommy Mode. Meeting people via the internet incredibly fascinating and opens the world up for endless possibilities. This mama’s heart for her family and other mothers is so beautifully sweet, and you all should be following her as well.

So without further adieu, please click on the link below to read this week’s blog post featured on Mommy Mode entitled Fourth Times the Charm written by yours truly.



Packing Around


One thing I have always wanted is an assistant. Someone who can help with the errands, send emails, buy birthday gifts etc. Unfortunately my current salary does not afford me such a luxury so I have to settle for the next best thing; a great diaper bag. When my oldest was born I did not get the diaper bag I put on my registry, but I did receive one from my mother in law so I felt obligated to use it. Because that was the era of having a gargantuan sized purse, I eventually just started putting what I needed in my purse whenever I was out with the baby. And yes I am aware I could have just bought the diaper bag I wanted but I didn’t for two reasons 1. Money was much tighter back then 2. I always feel compelled to use gifts given to me and I feel really bad when I don’t.

When our second was born, I excitedly bought the diaper that I wanted. I saw it online and it just called to me. I ordered it from a very popular diaper bag brand and when it arrived I was so disappointed that I cried (I blame the pregnancy hormones) and started to see if I could get any functionality out of it. The bag had zero structure and was really big, it just sort of flopped everywhere. Plus it had this horrible material that was really slippery so it was difficult to maneuver …. Trust me it was a whole ordeal. The mister implored me to get another diaper bag, not online, that I could actually test and see if I it worked for me before purchase. I think mainly he was just tired of hearing me complain, but I will always take any excuse to shop. So one Saturday, I set out on a mission to find the diaper bag of the ages!! And I did just that. Vera Bradley delivered just what I needed. Her diaper bag backpack is my non paid assistant. 

First, the vinylish inside will not absorb any liquid and you can wipe off any spills or marks. In addition, it has the perfect number of mesh pockets. The very front has a detachable changing pad that can fold out. There are two quick access pockets on the outside of the bag as well. It’s 100% approved for the washing machine and dryer. But most importantly, it’s lightweight. Vera’s signature quilted pattern keeps the bag light as a feather when empty. I find this so important because you’re not carrying unnecessary weight. When our third baby came along, the convenience of how roomie this bag was came in handy because we had to pack for two babies. Plus, the backpack style keeps you hands free so you can quickly grab your kid who is trying to climb into the wishing fountain in the mall. The cute colors and patterns go beyond the standard diaper bag so you can match your personality a little bit more than Winnie the Pooh. You won’t be sorry for investing in this backpack diaper bag and will get a lot of use out it. And of course be super stylish in the process. 


Cute Finds 


I love cute things!!!! For me and my sweet babes, I’m all about finding super cutesy items. But there also needs a functional element as well. These adorable insulated sipper tumblers from Tommee Tippee are my absolute favorite of all the sippy cups I’ve tried through the past seven years.

First, let’s chat about the cute part. The patterns and little expressions are a fun mixture of charming and hipster. There are a total of five colors and phrases…. And I use phrase loosely because they’re all just texting lingo. Also if you visit their website, they offer some limited edition ones. Some have mustaches or are a British theme, which you know is super important to the 12 – 24 month crowd.

Second, the functionality. One element that excites me about this cup is that there are a very limited amount of parts. I don’t have to buy extra equipment just to clean the inside. There’s the tumbler, lid, and two pieces that snap together inside of the lid to keep the cup spill proof. These pieces are easy to clean (really just rinse) and don’t build up mold as easily as other sippy cups I’ve tried. They’re also SUUUUPPPPEEERRR insulated, hence the name, perfect for the hot summers. My daughter, who is the owner of this fancy cup, loves her drinks ice cold. Full on will not drink anything if ice is not clinking around in there. So the amount of insulation provided is great and her chubby little fingers don’t get condensation all of over them.

Ummmmm ok so what other things are important to mention????? Think, think… Oh they’re great for their gums and won’t cause an damage. The lid supports transitioning to a real cup. Oh and last but not least these things are freaking durable. Practically indestructible, which is important because my daughter loves to pitch her cup to make a point.

These statement cups retail for about $8.99 for a two pack. Also, I have tested an adult theory out… And I can tell you they will not melt with hot coffee in them #sorrynotsorry
