


Welcome. My name is Lauren and my sister Carmen and I have created Code Name: Mama as a lifestyle brand to celebrate one of our favorite roles in life. A brand which caters to the lifestyle of motherhood without forgetting we’re you know, still sexy, if not sexier.

The name for the brand came from my oldest son, who just off the cuff said “You know what mom, its like you have a code name. Your first name is Lauren but your code name is Mama.” His statement was so profound to me. How true is that? I am and always will be who I am but I also have been given this super special mission of being the mother to three little cherubs. Sometimes as moms we straddle between being this women who existed before children and now this person who has to be super responsible and keep small humans functioning. So I am still Lauren, but I’m also operating under the name Mama.

Our multi layered brand includes our blog, clothing, and Carmen’s YouTube channel The Kings Court. Our desire is to reach women who are excited about life as a mom while keeping that spark of femininity alive.  We want to develop a community of women who desire to invest into their lives through positive images. What you read, view and purchase is all from our hearts. Share your experiences with us as we do so with you. We hope you enjoy this journey with us because its sure to be an exciting one.

❤ – Lauren and Carmen