Baby, Life, Monthly Mama Spotlight, Thoughts

Monthly Mama Spotlight: Kim (Our Mama)



Journey to motherhood

After being married for a few years, I was so excited when I found out that I was pregnant with our first child! Although my body experienced ALL of the challenges of becoming a host for a beautiful life, I was blessed to repeat the process two more times within 7 years! My husband, Shawn, and I welcomed 2 beautiful daughters, Lauren and Carmen, and one gorgeous son, Joshua!

What it means to me

Having the responsibility of taking care of innocent children, protecting, feeding, educating, and staying attune to their development can be a daunting task. However, I loved every moment of it! I loved that as a mom, I could put my fingerprints on the fabric of their minds, praying all the time that the mistakes I made would be covered enough by my heart for them, that they would know how much their dad and I wanted the best for them.  Although they are all grown now, and, yes, I have to back off a little, I have to trust that the lessons they learned as children would be good soil for words of wisdom to grow in.

Any lessons of encouragement to share

I can still remember the advice  that my mother shared with me when our second child, another daughter, was born. I was talking to her on the phone, describing Carmen to her, and she said, “Now honey, you have 2 daughters and each one is different from the other one. Don’t treat them the same way. Get to know each little girl as an individual.”  Momma said! Boy, was she correct! God has blessed each of us with different everything or else we would be clones. Learn your children as individuals. Love them the way they need to be loved!


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