Baby, Life, Marriage, Monthly Mama Spotlight, Thoughts

Monthly Mama Spotlight: Laura Beth


This is definitely my favorite stage

…is what runs through my mind with each milestone that my girls reach. I decided early in my twenties that I was gong to wait until I was 30 to start a family. I wanted to wait because that was how old my mom was when she had me, and my mother in law was 30 when she had my husband. What I DIDN’T take into consideration was the fact that my husband and I are both the youngest, so our mothers didn’t actually start at 30. They started in their twenties. I realized all too quickly (and much too late), that I was going to be an older mom. Oddly enough, it seems to be the “in” thing these days, but that doesn’t make things any easier for me. After giving birth I quickly realized (much to my chagrin), that being a mom is hard. I had postpartum depression, difficulty getting them to latch, trouble losing the weight (it’s going to come off any day now!), and I missed going out with friends and having drinks. Thankfully, though, I love my little girls so much that it makes up for all of the other stuff, and I settled into motherhood, trying to drink in every moment so I won’t forget all the yummy cuteness that comes along with raising little girls.

When they were newborns, I just knew that was going to always be my favorite stage, because they slept so much and were so calming to hold and so completely reliant upon mommy. Then I realized 6 months was the best stage, because they could sit up and giggle and flap their little wings with drooly smiles and bright blue eyes.  But once they started talking, I realized THAT was my favorite stage because everything they said was funny and entertaining, and it gave me stuff to talk about at work. Then toddler-hood was the best stage because they were out of diapers but would still hold my hand and with complete trust and love, follow me without fear or questions.
Then the questions started, and that’s where we land today. The girls are 7 and 4, and they are definitely in my favorite stage! They help set the table, feed the pets, pick up their shoes, and they are able to play with friends down the street so mommy can have some alone time. Daisy asks “why” a million times a day and Ella tells me every day that I am beautiful, especially without makeup. We are at a unique point in our lives where I feel like a married single mom, because my husband travels for work so much. It’s usually around the 4th dad-less day with 2 kids and 2 pets that I realize, being a mom is a young woman’s game. My kids have too much energy, and I have none. They want to go swimming and play at the park but I’m  barely able to drag on pj’s because I’m exhausted from work but I still have to muster enough strength to feed and bathe them. But then the evening comes, and with daddy gone, we all pile into my bed, watch YouTube videos, and snuggle until we snore. We have long talks and lots of laughs, and they pray over me when I complain about my aches and pains. These kids are my whole world, and it this is DEFINITELY my favorite stage.  Until the next one…



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