Baby, Life, Marriage, Mom Style, Monthly Mama Spotlight, Thoughts

Monthly Mama Spotlight: Kemi

Married mother of three Princesses (Mommy is Queen of this house)

So of course, I’m writing this post about 9:30pm the day I promised to have it completed.  My four year old keeps busting out of her room to tell me that her two year old little sister won’t stop laughing. Concentration is harder and harder to find these days with three kids, a husband and owning my own business… but it’s my norm.  I’ve finally came to the place where I accept my family dynamics and I own it 100%. What we perceive “motherhood” as from a society perspective is dang near impossible to achieve, you will drive yourself crazy trying to do it. Trust me I’ve tried and was on the brink of a mental breakdown every other week!

The ages of my three daughters are two, four and fourteen, yes I know, the age gap is huge!  My husband and I had our first daughter just shy of turning 21 so we needed time to mature before having more kids.  He and I are both 35 and have unique work schedules with him being a firefighter and myself as a salon owner and stylist.  My oldest daughter is a serious track runner that takes up much of our time and having 2 that are four and under explains itself.  As mother’s we aren’t taught what this journey will be like and not one mother is identical to the other. We literally must put on our big girl panties and figure it out as we go.  

Self-care, expectations, definition of success, parenting styles, routines… were all topics I considered writing about.  Motherhood is something that must be experienced to truly understand how intricate it truly is. So here it goes, my attempt at pinpointing what I feel are some of the more important things.

I’ve learned to love the eccentric rhythm of my life and dance to the beat each day offers.  One thing the age gap of my kids brought me was a new appreciation for my children. They each require something different from me and at the same time they each teach me something different.  When you pay close attention to your kids it’s like looking in a mirror as they are little reflections of us. There comes a day when they will be too big to hold, no one will be following your every step, they will leave your home for the first time and all you will have are the beautiful memories of those precious moments.  Each stage is beautiful but there won’t be those memories if we don’t make time for them. That is what bridges the gap of the next chapter between mother and child. With that being said, put off the laundry to have a pillow fight with your child, let them stay up a little past their bedtime to spend extra minutes cuddling… MAKE THE MEMORIES!

My children are my medicine at times.  Their kisses and hugs instantly reduce the stress and worries I may be facing that day even if just for a moment.  The passing of energy, the skin to skin contact with my kids is something I can’t explain in words. I once followed a woman on Instagram: @fightlikemiles, who documented the journey of her two year old dying from cancer.  She posted pictures of her holding her son for the last time and I tear up thinking about it as I type (I think about her often). Myself and thousands of others were in that fight with her until the end, we were all connected as mothers.  I promised myself I would always be grateful for my children and all the chaos that comes with them. I love my crazy, tiring, ever-changing life as a mom. It’s the best ride I’ve been on so far!


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