Mom Style



In 1966 Birkenstocks were introduced to the United States and the comfortable shoe market has never been the same.

But seriously… who has a pair of these sandals?!?! They are amazing right??

I am aware that Birks are very popular right now. So I am glad my podiatrist suggested that I start wearing them to help my semi flat feet and back pain. These sandals are based on a design that started in 1774 using firm, orthopedically correct support. On, the shoe is listed as the number two best sandal for your feet according to podiatrists. The Washington Post also featured an article on why finding the right comfort shoe is so important, and listed Birkenstocks as a great shoe try without having to get custom orthopedics. Basically I’m just trying to tell you not to take my word on their greatness; but know that there is actual science behind them.

There are a couple of down sides to Birks. But not enough to keep me from recommending them. The first down side is that they can be quite uncomfortable when you first start wearing them. Odd, I know… But what this shoe does is actually mold to your foot. Thus, they have to be “broken in” if you will. Once they start for form to your feet you will be able to see a marked difference. I wore my first pair for about five days straight and I could feel them getting better every time I put them on.

Second is the price point. Birkenstocks can be pretty pricey, especially when you have back to school supplies and diapers to buy. Most of the traditional sandals start at around $100. That can definitely be quite an undertaking on the family budget so I would not suggest  getting a couple of pairs up front. Buy a pair and see how they work for you. For me they are an investment that I was inclined to make as I am on my feet all day at work, and then running around with kids and pets when I get home. Plus, I have some health issues that make the proper daily support vital.

Another huge selling point for me is the versatility of the sandal. I can switch from wearing jeans, a skirt, or a dress with Birks and they make the outfit cute and unique every time. You can’t always do that with sneakers or heels. This is also a reason I didn’t mind investing in the shoe because you can get a lot of wear out of them. So if you want a hip mom shoe… choose these.




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